Living In Colonial Times

What would be the most difficult thing for me in colonial times? That’s a great question!

Living in colonial times was really difficult. But,not just for men, it was difficult for women and children too. Here are the three most difficult things that I would have to go through if I lived during colonial times!

3. Getting up early. I would sleep through the day if I had the chance, but, in colonial times I would have to be up before the sun to get ready for work, and, that’s clearly impossible for me.

2. Not whispering in church and in class. I’m a first resort if people need help, but, talking during class in colonial times would have been a no-no, you would have had to wear ” Whisper Sticks “, they keep you from talking, even if you were trying to help someone! If you were caught talking at church, they would write down your name and you would have to pay a fee.

  1. Falling asleep in church. In colonial tome church lasted ALL day, I you fell asleep in church you would be hit on the head with a wooden knob that was at the end of a long pole, if you were old you would be tickled on the nose with an animal tail found on the other end of the pole.

There you have it! Those are theĀ  would be the three most difficult things for me if I lived in colonial times.

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